Browse : Bot Libre : FAQ


1 results.
How to create a bot?
による admin 掲載 Jun 24 2014, 12:55
You can create a bot by first creating an account, here. Account start at 99 cents per month, but you can also create a 1 month free trial account.

Next click the Create menu option or button. Give the bot a name and maybe description. You can choose a template if you wish. You can also create a bot by forking an existing bot.

タグ: create, chat bot
更新: Mar 9 2015, 5:03
回答: 2, 眺望: 3780, 今日の: 1, 週間: 4, 月: 45
イカおいしかったです。: 0, 詳細: 1, 星: 5.0
How to create a bot?
による admin 掲載 Jun 24 2014, 12:55
回答: 2 | 眺望: 3780